How Full is Your Cup?
Are you exhausted, mentally and physically drained? Feel that you are in a cycle of endless worries and pressures? Been running around…. chasing your tail? Is your Cup or emotional bank account EMPTY??
You are not alone, unfortunately. It seems that the start of the New Year has brought with it not a fresh start for everyone. Obviously this is not helpful and we need to slow down, many of us need to actually stop and catch our breath. But how do we do this when we create lifestyles and habits that don't allow us to slow down, take a break or give back to ourselves.
Life - Long Patterns
It's hard to take big steps to change life-long patterns so why not try smaller changes, manageable activities that encourage you to make further changes as you start to see the difference it can make to your overall wellbeing and vitality?We base our philosophy on Yoga and Meditation. It's ability to promote mindfulness as well as it's techniques to relax & rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit are for many undeniable.Try to take up one tip from the list below to improve or change your life and remember the law of nature and “be kind to yourself and every other living being as you move forward in life.”
Tips to Fill Your Cup:
Do something that makes you happy & laugh each day (not to hurt yourself or another living being)
10 minutes Yoga/Stretching each day
5 Minutes Meditation/sitting quietly each day
Positive statement or affirmation said daily
Eat well, eat foods close to nature, i.e.: natural and unprocessed
Reduce stimulants: caffeine, alcohol, sugar, drugs
Spend time in nature each day: take a walk near water, gardening
Have a coffee out with the girls or loved one
Pamper yourself - do something that makes you feel special and loved