A seed of love

I planted you deep

within my chest

Offered you some water

Whilst tending to the rest 


A little heart shaped thing

Coloured like a rose

A seed of love

That I did chose 


Kept safe and warm

Nestled deep inside

Noting life’s joys and heartbreaks

To you I do confide


A tiny sparkling

Seed of love

With a nature to grow

And soar like a dove


A seed that has much potential

A deep well of reserves

The capacity to love fully

Even in the most difficult of life’s curves


An ever present connection

A friend to face the turbulence

To witness and hold a steady ground

And then to regain the silence 


Thankyou for holding me

For loving the unlovable parts of me

For reminding me of sweetness and beauty 

And how to be free


the day is clear

